Thank you so much for our sweet, adorable puppy!! We've decided to name her Sally. She is such a joy already! She's just fallen asleep for what I hope will be a long-ish nap, and I wanted to just let you know that she's awesome! She cried a little bit last night, but she seems a lot happier today. She woke up once during the night and cried, but she stopped really quickly when I reached in her crate to pet her and talk to her. She's very sweet and trusting!
She got a lot more playful today. She loved all the attention she got from the kids at the bus stop this morning! And she and I spent some time playing outside just the two of us. She had a few pee accidents in the kitchen this morning, but I get her 'look' now and am starting to be able to tell a little bit better if she's gotta go. We're getting there!
She did something I think is really cute and funny. One of our neighbors has 3 dogs whom she walks often. Sally and I were out front playing, and the 3 dogs started barking at her. I picked her up to make sure she was ok, and she was shaking like she was scared. I felt really bad for her! After the dogs passed by, we kept playing, and when they passed by on the way home, she saw them coming, and she barked at THEM! It really cracked me up! I didn't know what to make of it but it seems like she's not scared anymore. Anyway, Sally is a really sweet girl, and I'm SO glad we have her!!
I wanted to tell you how much we all absolutely love our sweet girl Sally!! She's an absolutely wonderful, loving dog, and she fits right into our family. Everybody knows her, too! This happened several weeks ago, but I don't think I got a chance to email and tell you: Sally and I were walking to the bus stop, and a lady drove by and rolled down her window and said "Oh my Goodness! Is that Sally??" she couldn't get over how big Sally had gotten. The funny thing is that I have no idea who this lady is, but she sure knows who Sally is! She's just one of the many people who pass our house often enough while Sally and I are walking, and she's so adorable that people have to stop and meet her. It's been really nice for us, being new in town!
Thank you so much for all your support and suggestions! Sally is a joy! Anyway, I really appreciate all your advice! Last time we had a puppy was almost 15 years ago. You're right that it's all coming back to me, but it's really nice to know that you're there when I have questions. I also appreciate how sweet you've been about my still sort of being in mourning for Bailey. She really was kind of "my" dog, and I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed her. It was hard to picture what it would be like to get a new puppy because as wonderful as Sally is, she still wouldn't be Bailey. But it's amazing to me how quickly she and I have gotten attached to each other!
She's SUCH an affectionate little dog! I just love her!! She's attached to the rest of the family, too, but I've been gotten to spend a lot time with her because I'm home. She definitely understands that we love her, and she's loving us right back. I was washing some dishes, and Sally came over and curled up in a ball next to where I was standing and put her little face on top of my foot. I think she was planning to go to sleep right there on top of my foot!
I was really tired at the end of the day Monday, but still really happy. Sally and I pretty much spent the day getting to know each other, and learning about her poop area in the yard. Yesterday we had a great day - she's really starting to get it about going potty outside, and it's only been 2 days! We're using a little phrase that we did with Bailey, we say "go do it", while we have her on a leash and she's circling her bathroom area of the backyard. She looks so cute and proud of herself right after she does her business.
She does do the stubborn puppy thing that you mentioned, where she'll sit down and look right at me like "no way, I'm not going", so at those times, I just pick her up and bring her along to wherever I'm going. The bus stop is not very far away, but it can take us a while to get there. ;) Jacob (he's our 8 yr old) said "Sally's the PERFECT dog for us!" She really is, and I'm so, so happy we have her. Thank you for raising such a sweet puppy!!! She's so happy, sweet and trusting, and I'm sure a lot of it is her genes, but she's also as loving as she is because you took really good care of her. Thank you very much!!!
It’s a beautiful day in Connecticut and my (Country Meadow) labs are enjoying every minute of it. I was just looking through pictures I took of Shackleton (the black lab) to commemorate his third birthday and thought it would be nice to share with you. I’ve also included a collage I made of Lacey that I took this past February. Lacey is now nine, but has the heart and soul of a pup. |
These two are THE best dogs. And, they have been the best dogs from the moment we met them at your house. They have easy temperaments and they are both labs to the core. They have brought so much happiness to our lives and I wanted to thank you for the excellent care you take in breeding Country Meadow Labs. |
I wanted to reach out and give you and update on Heisman and share some pics. He is now almost 10 months old (born in September 2012, Noah and Mirage). He is a wild man but in a great way. He loves people and will lick their faces off. He is great with other dogs and just loves to play. His favorite game is playing Frisbee in the back yard. |
I take him out onto the golf course and he will chase down the my shots and bring them right back. He loves to go for walks and runs, He is growing up so fast and people marvel at how handsome and big his paws are. Heisman is a great addition to our family and we can't wait for more years and enjoyment. Hope everything is well and we are looking to getting a brother for Heisman soon! |
Just wanted to send some current pictures of our boy Juke from Mirage and Noah's litter in September. He is wonderful. With the beautiful weather we have been enjoying hiking, swimming, jogs around Downingtown, playing with his little buddy connor (my nephew) and lounging in the backyard eating his favorite snack.. Carrot sticks! He is turning into quite the handsome man.. Can't believe he is 7months already!! I would definitely like to keep in touch for future litters.
Just wanted to touch base with you and send you updated pictures of our handsome pup! He is the best dog we could have asked for. Thank you so much for breeding well tempered dogs. With all of the snow we were frightened that Juke would have tons of pent up energy but he is proving to be quite the adventurous young lad... He loves bounding through the snow (even when it is well above chest height).. And yes we even shoveled a path and large area so he wouldn't have to trek in the snow but he insists!
We are celebrating Sweet "Sophie" Sunshine's (Mirage and Noah) 1 year Birthday today and I thought I would send you an update. At one year she is a beautiful and loving dog. She was the cutest puppy that we could not take her anywhere without a million people stopping us and wanting to love on her. Everyone would comment on how calm she was. Sophie was a seven year old dog in a puppy body.
We started training her with the help of a trainer at 18 weeks and she picked up everything so very quickly. We have two young children and we wanted them to be able to walk and handle her easily and they do. I have no problem letting my 8 year old daughter (52 lbs) take Sophie (72 lbs) for a walk by herself. Sophie is such a fantastic walker.
Sophie just loves other dogs. She has never met a puppy that she didn't like. Sophie has tons of dog friends of all shapes and sizes that come to visit her in her fenced back yard for puppy play dates. Sophie spent her first summer at the beach with us. She loves playing on the beach with her doggie friends and taking early morning walks on the beach with her humans.(Sophie is a morning dog) She is still getting used to the water and I'm hoping next summer she will love to swim in the ocean.
Sophie just got in touch with her retriever roots and likes to chase tennis balls but nothing is better than tackling a junior sized under inflated soccer ball. Sophie is a snuggler. Just sit on the floor and there is Soph with her head resting on your knee. Stand still for a moment and Soph is sleeping on your feet. I have never met a dog who likes to snuggle so much. She is an animated stuffed animal, you can squeeze and hug her all you like.
I was worried that we were "replacing" our beloved Morgan too quickly with Sophie. Our hearts were broken in bits after losing our chocolate lab of 13 years last March. We all needed to love a puppy last spring and Sophie turned out to be the perfect little gift to help our hearts mend. Sophie has her own special place in our family and I couldn't imagine our life without her.
I just wanted to drop a few lines to thank you, again, for letting us have such a beautiful puppy! Daisy is very adorable and sweet. She follows me around and always stays right next to me, if not on me:) She is currently away for a 2-week on-board training. The trainer has mentioned a couple of times that Daisy is super smart!! She is coming home tomorrow. It is one of the longest two weeks I have had in my life, and I dream about her just about every night. I cannot wait to see her tomorrow.
I want to share the video that the trainer recorded and sent to me. I watch this video like 10 times a day if not more...
My son wants to get her a brother (yellow male lab) so they can play together . I don't think I am ready yet to have another puppy (since I am the primary person taking care of her), but when we and Daisy are ready, I will definitely come to you!! So please keep in touch!! |